The Pyramid of PainBefore diving into the Pyramid of Pain, it is essential to understand a few key terminologies that form the foundation of this…Jan 7Jan 7
TryHackMe Vulnversity WalkthroughThis walkthrough will explore key cybersecurity concepts like reconnaissance, web application attacks, and privilege escalation…Sep 17, 2024Sep 17, 2024
Linux Privilege Escalation WalkthroughThis walkthrough covers various Linux privilege escalation techniques demonstrated in the TryHackMe “Linux Privilege Escalation” room. Each…Aug 31, 2024Aug 31, 2024
TryHackMe Net Sec Challenge WalkthroughPractice the skills you have learned in the Network Security module.Aug 24, 20241Aug 24, 20241
Metasploitable2 Machine Exploitation Using ArmitageArmitage, a powerful and user-friendly tool, acts as a graphical interface for the Metasploit Framework, aiding in managing cyber attacks…Jan 2, 20241Jan 2, 20241
An Insight into the World of LinuxLinux is a community-developed, open-source operating system (OS) for computers, servers, mainframes, mobile devices, and embedded devices…Dec 6, 2023Dec 6, 2023
Software Development Methodologies: Navigating the Path to SuccessIntroduction:Nov 22, 2023Nov 22, 2023
My Unforgettable Journey into Cybersecurity: From Novice to Enthusiast:From Confusion to Clarity: During my second year of software engineering, I was at a crossroads, feeling uncertain about which career…Jun 30, 20231Jun 30, 20231